Gender Pay Gap Report – 2023 

At FSW Ltd our employees are key to our business and our values reflect this daily. We aim
to ensure all our employees can meet their full potential whilst working in safe and enjoyable

The following report outlines our progress from last year’s report and identifies the measures
we’ve put into place to keep moving forward and to reduce the gender pay gap within the

At our snapshot date in 2023 we employed 271 employees an increase from 259 in the
previous year.

We acknowledge that we continue to operate within a historically male dominated industry
and our male to female split within the organisation is 70% and 30% respectively, and our
senior management gender split remains at 83% to 17% respectively.

We are committed to improving these statistics within the business and whilst this won’t
happen overnight, we will continue to encourage the successful recruitment, training and
promotion of females within the business. Indeed, since our snapshot date of 5 April 2023
we have successfully recruited and / or promoted female colleagues into more senior roles
which we expect will be reflected in next year’s gender pay gap report.

Gender Pay Gap

The mean gender pay gap is 27.05% which shows that during this period for every £1 a
male colleague worked; a female colleague earned 73p. Using the median calculation for the
gender pay gap rules our median is 6.03%

Salary Quartiles

Gender Bonus Gap

Fridge Spares Wholesale Ltd generally operates incentive bonus schemes on profit centres
or in roles where agreed objectives have been met – these types of roles are historically held
by male employees.

There has been a change in the bonus pay gap The mean bonus pay gap between male
and female employees is 50.79% (last year it was 62.02%)

The percentage of male employees who were eligible to receive a bonus increased from
87% in 2022 to 89% in 2023, and females ratio reduced from 13% to 11% in the same

This percentage is different to last years as the bonus payments to eligible employees was
paid after April 2023.

Going Forward

We will continue to advertise roles internally within the business to ensure all can
progress with the business.

▪ Piloting an applicant tracking system to modernise the recruitment process and to
avoid any unconscious bias in the selection process.

▪ Reviewing our pay structure on a regular basis and benchmarking with roles both
internally and external to the business.

▪ We have created and will continue to develop an FSW Aspire Academy which
provides training for all levels within the company and identifies potential managers
and leaders within the business.

▪ Continue to offer apprenticeship roles as both new positions and as development
opportunities for all within the business.

▪ Continue to review flexible working requests and challenge managers to look at new
and / or different ways of working.

▪ Continue to provide an Employee Benefits Platform which provides support, advice
and guidance along with additional benefits employees may choose to participate in.

Helen Pursehouse
People & Development Manager

This statement confirms that the data reported is accurate.

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